Friday, August 29, 2008

Baby Squash

Bento  08/29/08

I tried out a new backdrop and lighting for today's photo. And look -- a real bento box instead of Lock & Lock! I have really gravitated toward Lock & Lock this year, so my other bento boxes have been a bit neglected.

At my work complex, they have a small farmer's market every Thursday. I hadn't bought anything until yesterday -- these baby squash and zucchini were too tempting to pass up. I steamed them whole last night (for about 8 minutes), then plunged them in ice water, drained and dried them off, and stored them in the fridge. So it was easy to throw together a bento this morning. The rest of the lunch contains: Carrot flowers, spicy basil leaves, sweet basil leaves, a chopped up tomato, and cucumbers.

It's all vegetables, though--not very filling! I had to have a supplimental snack in the afternoon.


At August 30, 2008 at 4:17 PM, Blogger Jags said...

OMG the squashes/zucchini are adorable!! I'll have to watch for some because i really want to thry that too :)

I can see how it woldn't be a filling bento, I probably would have packed some nuts with it for a bit of protein, but it sure looks tasty!

At September 2, 2008 at 9:59 PM, Blogger Lunch Buckets said...

That basil looks too beautiful and perfect to be real!

At September 3, 2008 at 9:11 AM, Blogger Leslee said...

It's funny that you say that, Lunch Buckets! I tried a herb garden this year for the first time. The basil grew like crazy! But my oregano, chives, thyme, and cilantro are not doing so well. I used seeds, which was probably a mistake. They made cute little sprouts, but they never got much bigger than that. The basil, on the other hand, is growing tall and full of beautiful leaves. I have spicy basil and sweet basil. (Next year I will just buy young herb plants instead of trying to grow from seeds.)


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