Tuesday, February 6, 2007

A Dental Excavator Works the Best
My dear step-mom Brenda made her first bento this past weekend. Her photo and description are below. That wasabi mustard egg looks soooo good!

This Bento is my first and there is enough food here to last more than one meal….. which is great. My busy life…and I’m sure other’s have the same problem…. doesn’t allow me time to do this everyday. So I will just store the leftovers in my fridge at work and eat different things each day. I really intrigued my co-workers today with my “very pretty lunch”!

My mega-Bento lunch contains steamed broccoli and mushroom caps, brown rice with tamari decorated with hot pickled carrots cut with mini cookie cutters. A boiled eggs sits in the middle with a star cut out and filled with a wasabi-mustard sauce and sprinkled with paprika—sort of an oriental twist to a deviled egg I guess….Two Beldi oil cured olives complete this dish. Next is a mixed green salad with cucumber, grape tomatoes, more Beldi’s and grated purple carrot. The carrots are purple on the outside and orange on the inside. My neighbor and best friend is an Organic Farmer and these carrots were part of my Christmas present. The cutout from my egg sits in the middle. The fruit is a Clementine with heart shape cut out, I used an old dental excavator instrument to help peel out the shape, it was perfect! Very small and sharp I recommend this for everyone. Hehe…. and last - Kiwi slices. Very yummy… brenda


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